SCENAR: A powerful treatment for acute and chronic pain; including PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY

Pain Management Remains One of the Most

Complex Problems of Modern Medicine

Pain management remains one of the most actual and complex problems of modern medicine.

SCENAR HAS PROVEN TO BE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE AGAINST CHRONIC PAIN-including the treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy.

What is SCENAR?
The SCENAR device sends out a series of electrical signals through the skin. The device measures the skin's response and a signal is only sent out when a change is recorded.

SCENAR uses advanced technology that is highly effective to treat acute and chronic pain, sports injuries, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, and other conditions that impact quality of life.

Who Can Use SCENAR
SCENAR is non invasive and safe to use to treat several conditions. Scenar has been clinically proven to treat a range of acute and chronic pain conditions including: joint pain, arthritis, back & shoulder pain, Sciatica, musculoskeletal injuries, plantar fasciitis, bunions, fractures, headaches, oedemas, post-operative swellings, wound healing and many more.

Critical Advantages

Clinically Proven Pain Relief
Effective in healing tissue injuries, correcting posture imbalances, and restoring vital energy. Alleviating physical pain, pain from peripheral neuropathy, anxiety, and stress. Enhances athletic performance, muscle training, and recovery times for athletes.
Get Results Faster
Many patients feel the results after just one session. They report a reduction in pain and improvement in function.
Acute and Chronic Applications
Whether a patient has a chronic condition or an injury, the Scenar can produce long lasting relief and healing.
Scenar is Effective and Painless
Some patients may feel a tingling sensation, but the treatment is not painful. Therapists can also adjust the power of the electrical impulse to each patient. Because SCENAR can adapt to changes in the body's response, it adjusts the strength, frequency, and timing of the impulses accordingly.